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If you’re a team who runs 5-Out, then this week’s newsletter is for you! Creating shooting drills that maximize time (i.e., get more shots for our players) while also repping elements of our offense is one of those “coaching superpowers” that I think every coach should develop.
In this AQTO+ newsletter, I share 4 shooting drills to rep your offense along with thoughts from Furman assistant coach, Chad Warner, on how to create and execute quality shooting drills for your team.
Screen, Roll, Fill-Behind to High-Low
This 3-man drill reps the common “Away” action in early 5-Out offense. The 5 starts by throwing to the wing. He then sets the away screen for the opposite wing. After 2 receives the ball, 5 turns and rescreens for 5. At that point, the drill becomes a traditional screen-roll-fill-behind action. Player 2 comes to a stride stop and kicks back to 1. After the catch, 1 enters to 5 at the top of the charge circle.
Player 2 relocates to the wing for a shot.
Player 1 receives a pass from the coach on the wing for a shot.
Player 5 finishes at the front of the rim.
Here’s the film…