Building Your Concept-Based Offense: Alignment & Player Movement
Where to Start then "What's Next?"
Not a subscriber of A Quick Timeout+ newsletter? The offseason is a great time to check it out and expand your coaching knowledge! For just $5/month (or $45/year - 25% off!), you’ll get access to Xs & Os breakdowns, skill development ideas, exclusive coach interviews, and more.
Because of A Quick Timeout Podcast, I’ve been blessed to talk with some incredible offensive minds. As I listen to them talk about their particular offenses, one of the conclusions I’ve come to is that by playing conceptually, you’re better positioned to build a system that fits your players’ skill sets, reflects your own personality, and ultimately, is more fun to coach.
Getting to that point though can sometimes be a challenge. For a lot of coaches, they don’t know exactly where to start. And once things get moving, they may not know what to do when things look like they aren’t working.
During the summer months, I’d like to talk about Conceptual Offense, but I want to be a help to everyone reading, not just those in the early stages of building their offense. So this week, we’ll talk some ideas for where to start as well as some of the actual Xs & Os. Then over the next several months, we’ll talk “what’s next” - how to teach decision making & what to look for, what happens when things break down, how to tie actions together, etc.